Hudson, New York

Warren Street, Hudson

Hudson is a city located along the west border of Columbia County, New York. Pictured is Warren Street in Hudson courtesy of Daniel Case. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

The Colonial House

The renowned paranormal investigator, Hans Holzer, recounts a case of a haunted property in Hudson, New York.

The house in question is an isolated pre-revolutionary Colonial that was privately owned at the time of writing.

Holzer makes mention of a curious visual phenomena witnessed in the attic. Whst started as an apparent pinpoint of light gradually developed into the figure of an old lady.

He then recounts a visit he made with the medium, Ethel Johnson Meyers, and the information that she gleaned from her trace-state.


For further information, please read America's Haunted Houses by Hans Holzer.